GreenGuard Certified Window Blinds & Shades3/8 Inch Translucent Double Cell Shade R Value
Please let me know the R rating for the Deluxe 3/8 Translucent Double Cell cellular blinds.Read Answer »
What is the difference between ComforTrack 3/8" Blackout Double Cell Shades and EnergyTrack 3/8" Blackout Double Cell Shades? Do you have a comparison chart of all you blackout shades? Our size requirements are approx 70 w x 40 h and 46 w x 58 h.Read Answer »
Please tell me the difference between EnergyTrack and ComforTrack 3/8" blackout double cell shades. ComforTrack is more expensive is it because its fabric is thicker and better materials? Is the EnergyTrack blackout double cell shades the same materials as the translucent which has a lot of pin holes?Read Answer »
My window frame wall depth is only 1 inch. Is that enough room to install the ComforTrack or EnergyTrack blackout curtains side tracks?Read Answer »
I am interested in your EcoShades. I like the fact that there are no VOCs, but what flame retardant is the material treated with? PBDEs have been banned in Washington State and in Europe so I'm trying to avoid that flame retardant. Is your material made in the United States, shipped to you in a raw format, or made in another location then shipped to you?Read Answer »
What are the best energy efficiency blinds to cover windows on the south side of the house....white metal miniblinds? Wood blinds white or natural wood color?Read Answer »
While installing the pleated skylight blind, the string broke. How much is it to restring my special order blind? Or do I have to buy a new one?Read Answer »
What product should I consider if I want to filter the sun rays but still allow me to keep my view outside?Read Answer »