Tag Archives: windows blinds

window shades guarantee options

Blinds & Window Shade Guarantee Options to Suit Your Budget and Your Lifestyle

Always look for blinds and window shade guarantee options when upgrading your window treatments. Upgrading your window treatments can be an intimidating and stressful task. For many customers, our Blinds & Window Shade Guarantee Options help remove the stress and take what was a daunting task and turn it into an enjoyable experience. If you are considering upgrading your window blinds or window shades, make sure you know what guarantee options you have available. read more...

Hundreds of Deals on Blinds and Shades: Beat the Rush of Online Shopping and Celebrate Happy 10.10 Day

deals on blinds and shades window shutters from blinds chalet Designer Lexi Westergard Design, photo credit: John C. Woodcock

Designer: Lexi Westergard Design // Photographer: John C. Woodcock // featuring: Plantation Wood Shutters from BlindsChalet.com.

If you’re searching for great deals on blinds and shades in preparation for the holidays, take advantage of the first ever 10.10 Day – designed to be one of the largest “sale” days of the year! Shopping early means you can get a head start on holiday shopping, prep your home for the coming season, skip social distancing requirements in place for in-person shopping, get great deals on blinds and shades for your home or office, and avoid the stress of pandemic shipping delays, product shortages, and the even more problematic December shipping bottleneck. read more...